What is Reattribution?
Reattribution is the attribution of a re-install or opening event to a user who hasn’t used an app in a while, but who’s returned due to a retargeting campaign. Often, users leave an app for good, either by uninstalling or by not returning. These users often make good targets for re-engagement campaigns, and reattribution is the term to describe those who install or re-open once more. Reattribution allows app marketers to see what campaign or creative caused a user to return.
Why is Reattribution Important?
Reattribution is important for marketers because it evaluates the performance of their retargeting campaigns. When users are not as active as they should be (based on the ‘ideal’ user journey of the app), marketers run retargeting campaigns. Reattribution enables flagging of the users who return to the app (before becoming active again) thanks to these retargeting campaigns. Essentially, reattribution has the same role as attribution (tracking/performance monitoring) but only for users who have been re-engaged.
Reference: “Adjust,” Retrieved – 23 April 2018